Monday, December 31, 2007


May the year ahead be filled with prayer, peace, joy, hope, health, family, friends & fun - may the memory of the year behind you be only of those things that brought great comfort and encouragement & may you find every opportunity to give thanks in all things.
May the bad events & any memories of them be cast as far as the deepest sea, never to return.
May you find time to entertain your inner child and color outside the lines!
Happy New Year and welcome 2008!

Friday, December 28, 2007

What will you collect in 2008?

Collections? Art? Crafts? Hobbies? What kind of collections have interested you through the years?Eons ago, I collected butterfly pictures for a short time, cute, but not as interesting as owls. Oh my! It is unimagineable what you open yourself up to when you start "collecting" anything and other people find out. Now, I don't want to sound unappreciative, I did receive some nice things occassionally - BUT - mostly things no one else wanted under any circumstances. The "collection" ended after our small children took a few coins and went to some neighborhood garage sales! When they returned they had a dark brown, badly carved, badly painted, even more badly fired, ceramic owl that stood about 2 feet tall. A neighbor (who is likely still laughing) sold it to them for a penny and helped them make me a gift card to go with it. That awful owl stood on my fireplace for nearly a year before someone knocked it off with a basketball - it was the ONLY time I applauded a basketball being bounced in the house. I kissed the kids and kissed the basketball. We still laugh at the experience. Need I tell you that I stopped collecting anything!

Well, let's say I stopped collecting until more recent days. In June of 2007 I joined my first postcard exchange after reading about those little jewels I wanted some of my own. I joined a large swap, having no clue the time or thought that had to be put into the creation. After making my first 50 in less than 2 months, I needed a break... however, I couldn't stop making them and I missed pretty mail in my mailbox. I had even made friends with our local postoffice clerks & mail carriers and they were all missing the pretty mail! I started my own Yahoo group - ArtWeMail- to have the option of smaller swaps. Today there are more than 60 members. It has actually turned into much more than a hobby and collection. We have become a group of international friends who enjoy sharing our hobby, our talents, our interests, our families & friends and our prayers.
Thank you everyone in ArtWeMail for making 2007 a wonderful journey while we all had so much fun together. Today I collect fabric postcards from all over the world. There are no ugly ones. Each one has been held by the hands of someone who loves what she is doing and shares what she has with others.Isn't that a wonderful way to link in each other's lives & cultures? We have sought out what we have in common and built wonderful stories & memories. We hold a spot in each other's homes and in each other's hearts! No negotiations, no treaties, no contracts, no pressure. We have flexible deadlines and open ended freedom to be creative all for the price of a stamp, we fly all over the world! May 2008 be filled with as much fun and friendship as we have experienced in 2007 for everyone who gives themselves permission to find what their neighbors have in common and build on it!
Oh, by the way, I collect pretty postal art and new friends. I have no fear of being disappointed!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Getting ready for Christmas

How do you go about getting ready for Christmas?

Shopping? Sewing? Baking Cookies? Sending Christmas cards? Writing a Christmas letter?

Well, this year I've done all of the above and feel more behind than ever. It has snowed 5" and iced the roads to the mall and craft stores. The weather has changed our travel plans. The calendar keeps moving forward.

Being snowed in is a good time to really get ready for Christmas. Instead of rushing and pushing my way through crowds or packing for a trip, it has been a time to step back, look out at God's beautiful creation and thank Him for the gorgeous Christmas card in the form of the landscape and to ask His forgiveness for rushing past the reason for the season.

May this be a season of peace, hope, love and blessing for all who may stumble across this blog.

May the year ahead bring more reason to be thankful for the ability to recognize and love our family & friends, for enough food to be satisfied, to read, to worship freely, sing, dance, shop, own a computer and all our toys - and to recognize the greatest gift of all in our own ability to know our Creator

Be a blessing and be blessed