You know the whisper? The one the colored pencil, or crayon, or marker makes when you are in the middle of doing something else and ignoring them... 'hey, see me? I'll bet you and I can have a really fun time if you will stop what you are doing and find a piece of paper." No matter how hard I try to ignore the temptation I am overcome and suddenly I have cards & cards & more cards of new girlfriends!
I love drawing eyes. Our grandchildren have BIG eyes - BIG BLUE eyes... I can't draw every person with blue eyes because my sweet, dear friends have brown, hazel, and colors in between sparkling in their eyes. So, girlfriends are showing up on card stock for greeting cards and fabric for postcards! Drawing body details escapes my talents - so I draw what I can and enjoy the process... eventually I do put away the colored pencils, crayons, markers & a box that can sit near my evening escape to my recliner... eventually I return to the things in life that must be 'attended to'.
It's the little whispers in life that interrupt me to keep the child alive inside of me for a lifetime... coloring outside the lines is my favorite part of life - living outside the box makes me smile & forces me to find new direction & learn new things - little whispers push me beyond my comfort zone
I'm about to move beyond my comfort zone of nearly 30 years and return to a very different workforce than I've ever been involved in - I will learn new things, meet new people, accept intreguing assignments & form new friendships. Days will be more demanding & less flexible... my prayer is that I never stop listening to whispers & finding time to add color to my life... and for my grandchildren & time to embrace new friendships!