Friday, May 2, 2008

Planting Seeds

These weeks keep running by so fast - this is not a complaint, it is because they are filled with the speed of little ones running under my feet like in the days of raising my own - this time, it's grandchildren. ..
Yesterday I took them outdoors and we planted some seeds (from packets). I was overwhelmed when I saw the analogy ... here we were planting tiny seeds to watch them grow - here I stood watching the tiny hands of the children push seeds into the fresh dirt... reality of how quickly the seeds will blossom reminds me of how quickly the tiny, seeds in front of me, dressed as children, will grow and move on ... take time to embrace the 'seeds' in your life today - water them with tears if necessary - it's all a part of the passing of seasons... each one bringing fresh blossoms & radiant new beginnings! New life in any form is a reminder of how small we are and how little we actually control.... Carpe Diem!